Friday, March 5, 2010

a Little Less Talk, a Lot More Action

Dave Matthews Band is good for the soul, so imagine my surprise when my darling husband took me to a "surprise" date in Frankfurt to see DMB perform! What a night! We love Any/All of Dave's music and decided last night we were going to get old and be "that" groupie couple, taking our kids with us to their concerts (Last night was A's 12th DMB concert, my 5th - yes, for real). Unfortunately, I have no pictures.. had you seen a picture from my perspective it would have consisted of the back/shouldera of a gigantor German who stood in front of me, smoking 3 packs of cigs (good thing the music was fabulous).

Interesting, seeing a concert in Germany. Of course, I wasn't expecting for DMB to speak German to the crowd (although he did throw a few dankes in there), but I was pretty unsure of how the night would go. I mean, do the Germans even know who DMB is? Well, yes, some. The concert was small, very few seats, mainly standing room. Dave spoke VERY LITTLE.. makes sense with the majority of the unable to understand English, at least spoken quickly, in conversation, and by Americans. But that just made for more music - even better!

In other German Rapalje news, salsa dancing lessons every Tuesday are a blast!, we have become vegetarian for Lent (no, this has not been nearly as hard as it sounds), are heading to Interlaken for the weekend with our friend Ryan (let's hope this hotel FAR surpasses the quality of the last place I stayed at in Interlaken - an R-rated story for another day), I have begun an countdown to America (18 days!!), AND I just finished a spectacular book that I could literally not put down and would recommend to anyone, called The Good German, by Joseph Kanon (recommended by Gpa Martin). Other than that, alles klar. Bis Montag!

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